Saturday, February 1, 2020

Journal entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Journal entry - Essay Example The habit is then transferred to classrooms in the writing of assignments and essays. This has lowered the quality of written work teenagers produce. The problem is getting severe by the day such that college admission officers are getting concerned that the habit is getting out of hand. They are reporting increased cases of below par admission essays. (Eble 65) notes that slang is ever changing, and the speakers seek to establish a form of social identity within the group. The other reported problem has been the use of slang words. Words are gradually being replaced by simpler, shorter versions. While this problem is common among teenagers and the younger generation, the habit is catching up with adults. It is now a common occurrence to hear people say ‘yeah in place of ‘yes. People have a hard time differentiating between casual and official language. The effects of this communication mishap are being seen where people are failing in job interviews due to the use of what is deemed as casual language. Those who encounter such scenarios learn the negative impact of the use of slang in the harshest of ways. They fail to adjust their language according to the situation at hand. While many insist that the slang has had a negative impact of English language, there are those who disagree. They argue that English; just like any other language is not static. They are of the opinion that languages are dynamic and as such, the language is a collection of words from different languages, (Hogg 111) For instance, English is a collection of words from Greek and Latin, which have been reinvented and assimilated over time. The invention of fast mode of transport has enhanced globalization where people travel far and wide thus further promoting cultural interaction. As people travel for business, education or tourism purposes, they are bound to assimilate some words

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